The number of inhabitants is computed, according to the best calculations that can be made, at 40,000: since the insulation of the castron and the fortification of Litaritza, it may be said to have two citadels, 3 palaces, beside a vast number of small serais, 18 mosques, and 6 Greek churches. There are also 3 tekes or Turkish monasteries, and two Jewish synagogues within the castron. – There is a hospitals (see= νοσοκομεία) – The public prison is a dreadful place, sufficient to make the stoutest person’s heart sink within him. A procurator attends there daily to administer food and raiment to the watched prisoners, many of whom would otherwise (have perished) inevitably perish with hunger and cold: to the credit of the Greek inhabitants they make no distinctions in this distribution between Christians, Jew, or Mahometan.