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Έτος: Από έως

Το εμπόριο του λαδιού στην Κέρκυρα

Τίτλος Έκδοσης: Memoirs on the Ionian Islands, considered in a commercial, political, and military point of view
Έτος Συγγραφής: 1816
Σελίδες: 421-423
Έτος αναφοράς: 1816

As long as the Ionian Islands belonged to the Venetians, this oil was only allowed to be sent to Venice, particularly in years of scarcity, when the Venetian merchants were in the habits of mixing it with the oil of Apulia. Three or four houses of Venice, which carried on this trade exclusively, fixed the prices of the article. During 15 years the prices had kept up from 40 to 45 Corfu livres per jar; but in 1802 the price of the jar of oil was from 60 to 63 livres.
[…] Since the year 1802 the oil-trade of Corfu has assumed a much more flourishing aspect, and now presents considerable advantages, but it requires local knowledge to collect in the article. The Septinsular government, from the above period, had taken measures to facilitate this commerce, and particularly shipments made to the Italian continent. The custom of the Corfu merchants is to receive their funds through Venice, whence the captains bring them in coin, free of freight. It is extremely difficult in the island to find the means of remitting even small sums to the continent, which renders the exchange of paper almost impossible; it is therefore necessary to follow the established custom. Nothing can be more detrimental than to be obliged to remit by each vessel the funds requisite for its loading at Corfu; but if the speculators would dispense with the necessity of passing by the way of Venice, a useful measure might be adopted, and this is, to cause the funds brought by one vessel to serve for the loading of another that is to follow. In this manner they would always have funds ready to improve the first favourable opportunity, which never occurs at the arrival of a vessel; on the contrary, this circumstance always raises the prices. Another means might also be employed, if no credit had been previously opened at Venice, and it should be preferred to send the funds by the same vessel; and this is, to compel the captain to cast anchor in the port of Kassopo, whence he might remit his letter of advice to his correspondent, and only proceed on to Corfu when he had received an answer. This precaution would greatly facilitate the purchases, which might be made without publicity, and at the most advantageous prices.

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Ελληνικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Αρχείο Κειμένου
Ενημέρωση: 25-07-2017 10:54 - Μέγεθος: 804.71 KB
